"Oh, hey, Strawman! What've you been up to?"
"Well, Jennifer, funny you should ask -- I've just been put into use
to make independent comics publishers and creators look like sniveling idiots by someone at a site called iFanboy."
"Really? That's the guy who named Punk Rock and Trailer Parks the
book of the month a while back. Does he think that because he's giving attention to indie comics he can dismiss our concerns? Well, that's not cool!"
"No, it sure isn't. And not only does he marginalize and trivialize your concerns, he doesn't know that big box bookstores like Borders give books prominent placement because their publishers pay for it."
"Hey, but I --"
"I know! You totally wrote about that in
one of your Publishers Weekly columns!"
"That's true, Strawman."
"And everyone should be reading your columns because you are so insightful and smart, not to mention.... hey! Why am I being so service-y?"
"Silly Strawman! You're a
straw man. I can make you say whatever I want!"