Jan 07, 2009 01:50

...Sort of.

Ok, so, the morning of Jan. 5th, I was cruising around the internets before I had to log off, and I stopped by SocialVibe to earn my points for the day (SocialVibe's a social networking-kind of website where you help raise money for different charitable causes, with the help of corporate sponsors; Eva and I both support The Whaleman Foundation. Join and sign the petition, yo), and I noticed that Eva had been active on the site since the 29th (when she was supposed to have left for Poland). I'm like "huh?" but I shrugged it off as a fluke; that maybe she left late, or got to a computer for a short time after she did. Then I went to Myspace, to stop by her profile (she has the SocialVibe app added, and for every person who views your profile with it on it, you earn 3 points, and, since I figured she wouldn't be able to earn points for her cause like she once did, so I thought I'd help her out by starting to visit her page once a day). And I found out that she had logged into Myspace even MORE recently than what she did on SocialVibe. So I thought, what the hell? I'm gonna bring up AIM and see if she gets on.

And guess what?


Turns out that she was at her uncle's house, which has internet access.
(My exact responses to her IM: "OMG HI!! =DDD" and " is this happening right now?" ^_^')
She apologized for when I called; I did get the right number, but she wasn't home at the time, and her grandfather knew basically no English. (I'd gathered that. -_-) It was kind of funny; she asked how long I talked to him, and I'm thinking: How long could I talk on the phone with someone who doesn't understand what I'm saying, and I don't understand what he's saying? :S I was on the phone with the guy for a minute, two at most. But yeah...

She told me that I'll be able to talk with her on AIM every weekday.

But, this morning, she told me that she's not sure when she's coming back to England. She pretty much said that she doesn't have a lot to look forward to there; a cold, empty flat, no school to go to this year, and the prospect of having to get a job. I asked if coming back to the US was a possibility (hey, I can hope), and she said that the colleges here are too expensive for her. She wants to take creative writing so she can be a better writer and get published someday. I don't quite understand why she can't take creative writing classes elsewhere...but whatever. I don't know what she's going to do in the immediate future, and that worries me. She needs to have a CLEAR plan of what she wants to do, what she needs to do to get there, and I don't think she has that quite yet. I don't want to be a nag, but I'm think I'm going to have to. :/ I don't want her to fuck up her life.

But anyway, I'm still happy about this. The next month or so WON'T be complete hell! :D

Sooo, in other news...sort of...

A couple days ago I had a weird dream. Not scary weird, really, weird.
It was one of those chasing dreams I have sometimes (and I just realized, since this, that I do have those on occasion. odd :/ But I'm never being chased by a bear or any other animal; always a human. I guess that's me making my judgment on who's more dangerous, lol). I was watching a movie, and I saw Jesse McCartney in it, playing a photographer who's also a murderer. (o.O) My thoughts in he dream at that: "Ohh, I see he's trying to play more serious roles..." (ok, I don't think he's been in ANY movies XD) It was in or something, and there was this guy, who I may have beome in the dream, or I just put myself in the movie,but whatever. Either way, I saw Jesse, trying to come after me, and I started running. I ran and I ran, jumping and climbing over obstacles, all the while not looking behind me because I knew that'd slow me down. Then I ran outside, and for some reason there was a dock. I found this old sailor guy, who gave me an inflatable raft. I think it was powered by an engine, because don't remember rowing at all. I kept going farther and farther out of the boat, until I started seeing icebergs and people kept calling the sailor's name for some reason, and started getting it wrong, like they were making fun of him or something; one was Captain Eyes...(I think my subconscious was making fun of me at this point. -_-) But yeah, it pretty much ended there, without seeing Jesse McCartney again. Why I dreamed about him of all people, I don't know; maybe I saw too much of him on Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve >.< (I swear, he performed THREE TIMES before I got fed up with the show itself and turned it off. I don't hate him or anything, but still, TOO MUCH! DX)
But yeah, when I thought about it afterward, it was kind of funny XD

Oh, and a couple days ago, I saw a commercial on the Nicktoons Network that showed a brief clip of "Adventure Time," promoting their new show "Random Cartoons." Ok, Adventure Time should be the WHOLE SHOW, because there can't possibly be any cartoon in EXISTENCE that's more random than Adventure Time XD SpongeBob is NORMAL in comparison xD
(though, spongebob sucks now, but still)

...damn, I need to watch that again...

Maybe this time, I'll put it on my favorites list on YouTube! :D

But yeah, I'd heard that they were going to make a show out of it, but I still can't believe that they actually DID. D: Though, I wish it could've had its own show, rather than being stuck in some stupid show that's bound to be full of crap other than that. -_-
*sigh* I miss Kablam!... U.U

And, surprisingly enough, I love the Twilight Soundtrack XD 
Most of it, anyway. I am seriously addicted to "Supermassive Black Hole" by Muse...I think I listened to it 5 times in one day O.O
...I need to look into Muse... :/

jesse mccartney

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