Feb 08, 2005 15:25
Exhibit A: She's gorgeous. no matter where she is or what she's doing, regardless of what she's wearing. which isn't enough because she has this eternal hope that winter doesnt really exist, and she knows it and the rest of us are just fools for beleiving it's cold outside. she feels maybe a little left out from the conversation topic, though that doesnt stop her at all from contributing, nor should it, since thats what we want her to do. her opinion is always valued, probably because she gives it so often, so freely, and so honestly. she's smart beyond her years and sometimes acts like a 4 year old. her laugh is infectious and all of her dumb jokes evoke laughter from the rest of us, whether we emit it or not. she's always tired but at the same time is never so. while her instinct is to curl up under the blankets, her irrepressible spirit says movie time. she longs to get out of this place and live life. her life. the way she wants to. no rules and regulations other than her own. we love this about her. we love her. we have plans, me and her, all varying from owning an inn to growing up and dying old together on the front porch of some gorgeous house. i have no doubt that all of these will come true. we cherish them too much for them not to.
Exhibit B: Wow, what a girl. a little sad, due to recent events and the idiocy of the male race, but also a little happy. a lot unsure at first. happy for a seemingly simple evening that really would change our lives. unsure because its hard to get these things started, even when you have that feeling that it will all work out in the end. she is educated in areas we are not, and gives advice and stories where we have none. she's beautiful in a way no other female in the world could accomplish. her milk chocolate eyes match the chestnut of her hair. and tonight, both are sparkling. her smie and laugh were missed greatly, just as her reasurance and comfort were longed for. She is all about the movie. both of them. both romantic, both love stories. even while the movie brings a smile to her face, it makes her sad. there is something contained in the movie world which she has yet to get ahold of. but have no fear, she will, and when she does it'll be the right kind. the forever kind. not the movie kind. the fake kind. we try hard to tell her this, but everyone knows that no one beleives it until it has come true. we've been through a lot, me and her. and i have no doubt there's more to come. but we'll always be aroudn each other, one way or another, it would be impossible for us to really separate.
and then there's me. and i'm just me. i dont think i could describe myself like i can describe them. the sister sluts reunion, has indeed affected me in a way i knew it would. while the three of us were crammed into a double bed a thought clicked into place in my mind. or maybe not so much a thought, as a peice of myself. the peice that was missing, fell back into place. as i was dying of heat and upside down in my bed at 4 in the morning, i was happy. happy in a way no boy could ever make you. happy in a way that only comes from your girls. the ones that you know will be there forever. no matter how many 4 month separations there are in between. they'll always come back, and you'll always go to them. you'll always be able to lean on them just as they will lean on you. and that, my dears, is what love and frendship really means.