Feb 10, 2009 06:22
super undoer, super overthrower
to think of a question that we maybe able to come up with, ask ourselves, yet not be able to answer is a funny idea. there is just no way such a question could exist. i think that’s like a plant that bears the seed of a fruit that will eat its parents one day. no, the mind has to be more elegant than that. we find frustration with the questions that we ask and give up so easily. the fear of unknowing, or inability to resolve chaos is a delusion. like the idea of a mind that would turn in on itself with the invention of unconquerable territory.** i think we only come up with the questions that are seemingly set just beyond our horizon. not that we can see our answers yet, but some part of ourselves, perhaps subconscious, can just barely make out the twilight of a day when that question will be so irrelevant. obviously, constantly. which would probably make the most ideal calendar. in that way that sliver/part of ourselves and perhaps our most important is telling us to be brave and challenge ourselves constantly. the part we should be listening to most closely. anything is possible
** a knot that cannot be untied