In the darkness of Moria

Dec 19, 2005 16:43

Title: In the darkness of Moria
Author: Slesia
Fic Journal:
Pairing: A/L
Status: 1/1
Rating: G
Genres: Romance
Warning: None
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters: they are free spirits!
Feedback: Please, feed my story
Summary: In the darkness of Moria Aragorn decides to declare his love for Legolas
Archive: Legolas_Aragorn_Slash, Aniron, Nectar, Mirrormere, Melethryn, adultfanfiction. Others, just let me know

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“Run, run. Faster!” I cannot help shouting, as we all speed inside the mines. While the walls of Moria are crumbling down, I swiftly move my eyes past each of my companions, to make sure that every member of the Fellowship has safely escaped the mortal danger.

You are behind me.

I watch this spectacle; the rocks that once constituted the Gate of Moria are piling up in front of me, closing the entrance. You are watching as well; like me, considering that these stones are shutting us in the cave, trapping us in the depths of the mountain.

I know, my Love, these tunnels have been a tomb for many brave dwarves; you are probably thinking that they might become a tomb for all of us too. Do not fear, my Soul, I will not let it happen. As long as I have strength left, as long as I have life in me, I will do all I can to protect you. I won’t let anything happen to you, my Legolas. I feel your light hand resting on my shoulder. You are looking for physical contact in this moment of despair. I understand. I feel the same.

The last rock falls, allowing no light in the cave. I must do it now, while the darkness hides me, while you are so close to me.

I turn and throw my arms around your waist. You open your arms in surprise, but do not push me away. I hold your slender figure tightly, close to my chest. I lift my hand to touch your check and pass my thumb on your silky lips. I can almost see the expression on your face. You catch your breath. You did not expect this. You did not expect my love to claim you so suddenly, so boldly. Yet, you put your arms around me and rest your hands on my spine, confused. I move my thumb from your lips and replace it with my mouth. How long have I longed for your softness. Yes, I have dreamt of this moment for many long years. When, as a ranger, I used to roam in unknown lands, sometimes I was almost overcome by loneliness and grief. Only the thought of you gave me strength to go on. Only the dream of this moment.

Your lips tremble, yet I sense desire in your response to my kiss. Maybe I can hope.

I have kept my feelings for you hidden inside me for far too long. Do you remember, my Love, how you would often come to Rivendell, when I was young, when my name was Estel? I had just past my adolescent years, when the charming Legolas of Mirkwood first came to the house of my foster father. Your plan was to spend the spring with us, to familiarise with a different Elven environment. It was part of your education, as a young prince, to become accustomed to the way in which other Elves lived. You were supposed to spend one season in Rivendell and then move on to other places. But you kept on returning, using every excuse to come back again. I was delighted. We used to spend much time with each other. You were always ready to suggest a new activity we could perform together. Archery, climbing trees, even a simple walk on the hills was a special experience, if done with you. You would not let anybody else join us, almost jealous of my full attention and dedication. At times, we would leave the palace at the crack of dawn, to make sure that no-one could follow us, and we could spend the whole day together, undisturbed. I was still very young and the secrecy of our expeditions used to give me a wonderful feeling of freedom. We were setting off for a new adventure every time. I would have done anything with you, for you. I was spellbound by your beauty; your elegance; your courage; the agility of your body; the style in your speech. You were my model, my inspiration. A unique creature to me, superior to anyone else.

As our friendship became deeper, I discovered new sides of you. You were not only a great warrior and a courageous Elf, you also had a most sensitive soul. I could spend hours sitting beside you, while you were searching the sky with your deep blue eyes and singing stories of old. It used to bring tears to my eyes. The velvet in your voice, merging with the morning breeze, seemed to bring life into the woods. Watching you, I was breathing you in. You were willing to discuss with me your thoughts; your fears; your dreams; and the depth of your words used to pierce my heart. The fascination of you had daggered my soul, causing a wound that only your presence could heal, only your love. Still, I could not bring myself to express my feelings to you openly. Your visits were often too short and too full of happiness and joy to run the risk of spoiling them. I thought you would not be prepared for my love, that you would reject me in disgust or, worse, that you would accuse me of betraying our friendship. I have cursed my reticence many times since then. My destiny, the blood running through my veins, has taken me away from our past lightheartedness. I had to set off for my own adventure, away from you, long ago. Since then, I have feared I would not be given another chance to show you what you meant to me.

The day of the Council in Rivendell, where the destiny of the Ring would be decided, I was leaning on the rail of a balcony, watching as the guests summoned to the secret Council were entering the gate one by one. My heart stopped. There you were, proudly riding your horse, and looking around you in amazement and expectation. A million thoughts passed my mind. I would be near you again. Would you be pleased to see me? Would you open to me again as in the old times? Would you be willing to spend some time with me to share the experiences we had had since our last encounter? I was excited and tense. I could not get any sleep that night, knowing that I would sit at the Council with you the following day.

The time of the Council arrived. As we all sat in a circle, you and I exchanged a glance. The contact was re-established. We were us again. You had looked for me too; I could not restrain a smile. When I was young, you used to defend me against any attack or unjust accusation, whether from my companions or from my foster-brothers, that day at the Council you did the same. You stood up and faced Boromir to defend me and reveal my true identity. Maybe I was mistaken, but I thought I perceived a hint of pride in your voice, as you were stating my rank and my rights over Gondor. Yet, I had to stop you, I do not know what will be of me, and I could not let you claim my rights for me to the world, when I cannot claim them within myself.

Now you are in this quest with me, ready to share dangers and strife side by side. Things have changed in me, I feel I can risk and open my heart to you without being scared of the consequences. Right at this moment, in the cold and darkness of Moria, I hold you close to me and you do not withdraw. Your limbs are shaking, but you wrap your arms around me. I would like to deepen this kiss and dive in the welcoming warmth of your mouth, but Gandalf lights his staff and we need to move on. Instinctively, we both break the embrace. As we run to join the others, I know.

I had you in my arms, if only for one brief moment, and you returned my passion, my love.

The end


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