With you forever

Jan 30, 2011 21:11

Title: With you forever

Author: Slesia

E-mail: slesia1@yahoo.com

Fic Journal: http://slesia.livejournal.com

Pairing: A/L

Status: 1/1

Written: 06/05/2006

Rating: G

Genres: Romance

Warning: None

Disclaimer: Legolas and Aragorn are two sweeties. I wish I had invented them!!

Feedback: Please, be kind to me…

Summary: Aragorn is now king and Legolas puts is feelings for him in verse…

Author's note: Please, do forgive the offence I am about to cause to the English language!! (I should really be more respectful, especially since this is not even my mother tongue … ^_-)

Archive: Yep, sure, just tell me, will you?!

Dedication: to my friend floatingleaf

With you forever

With all the trees and birds set by my side,

I sing to you, my king of Gondor fair,

The weight of pain and sorrow leave aside,

High let your heart and soul soar in the air.

You shine amongst the heroes the most bright

On Arda well is known your name to all.

Under a sky of thousands stars alight

Forever yours my love you soon will call.

Orcs vanquished, now all evils have withdrawn;

Ruling you are a glorious reign and peaceful.

Enticing is to me your strength unknown,

Vane is resisting you, indeed, regretful.

Ends all my fighting, if you turn to me,

Runs my blood to my head, so you undo me.


The structure is that of an acrostic Shakespearian sonnet: 3 quatrains (four-line stanzas) with alternate rhyme and final couplet (pair of rhyming lines).

The verse is jambic pentametre, though some verses begin with a trochaic. I use mostly masculine endings (stressed), though there are some feminine ones (unstressed ending added).

Nothing new, I'm afraid :P

I hope you enjoy it though…



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