May 09, 2012 16:01
You go into your favorite store. Sure, there has been that one time costumer service dropped the ball and had you waiting a long time at the counter, but you like this store. Accidents and mistakes happen, and hey they have widgets. You like widgets. Pretty widgets. Shiny widgets. There are other stores with other widgets. They have good widgets that you really want too, but you've been short on resources and can't seem to justify going to those other widget stores. You go to buy your widget. Been looking to buy this particular widget for a while. Thinking how it will add to your collection of widgets. Standing there at the check out counter. Standing there. Still standing there. See an employee walk by and stop them. They say, "be right there." Still standing there, grooving to the muzak. See another employee. Stop them. Ask politely for service. They say, "be right there." Still standing, now waiting. See other costumers come and go through other queues. Move queues. Be told, "crap, sorry, I'll be right there to help you." Still standing and tapping your foot now. Still waiting. Recalling the last time this happened and how long it took to get service. Wonder, "why is this still my favorite widget store?" Think to yourself, "I've still got shit to do today."
How long do you wait in the checkout line?
Turn around and start to walk out. Catch ear of one of the cashier's trying to say something to you as the door closes.
Do you bother to even try to hear them?
Do you still bother to do business there? Are the widgets there really that good?