Big Bang Art: Real Knights Wear Hoodies

Nov 30, 2011 17:04

Fic title:  Real Knights Wear Hoodies
Author: mia6363
Artist: sleighttrick
Art Rating: As G as G can get.
Medium: Pen
Notes: First Big Bang, and I was really lucky to get a fantastic author and a fantastic story!

Broad black lines swept over the page, spinning and looping to create
hair that framed a man's face. His eyes were open, but the dots that
filled them told Sean that the man couldn't see anything... or that he
wasn't really awake. His lips were parted, and the words that came
out of them were written in loopy, carefree script that curved on the
page like cigarette smoke. They read: Please help me.

A looming castle filled the two pages. There was a man and a
woman's face drawn into the sky, labeled as the Evil King and the
White Witch. Both of their gazes were icy and even though they
were just drawings... it was like they could see Sean and were
sneering at him.

The top three quarters of the page were pictures of Sean, Alex,
Raven, and her boyfriend Hank- only they weren't wearing normal
clothes. Sean was clad in a chainmail hoodie, Alen in full fierce
leather armor, and Raven and Hank were wearing robes, like wizards
or something like that. 
Under them were dark scales that framed bright, reptilian eyes.
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