May 22, 2005 09:10
so how come on the weekends that i'm home, there is NOTHING to do. last weekend i missed one friend's birthday surprise party and another's birthday lunch. next weekend i am missing river jam and the blood brothers. this weekend? NOTHING. friday night i learned how to play keane on the piano. yesterday i went shopping with my mom, and then spent like 38905732 hours driving. i got lost in the middle of powhatan virginia trying to find jennie's house. then jennie and i came back to my side of town and went to barnes and noble. then we stopped my griffen's house. at griffen's house everyone was drunk and so they were either like OMG KASSIEEEEE!!! YOURE HERE!!! I LOVE YOU!!! or they completely ignored me because they saw me and thought "...why is she here. she's too sober". a lot of them, in confusion, talked to jennie which was hilarious, because they thought "i probably should know her and only dont recognize her because i am wasted" and then we went back to powhatan. i lead an exciting nightlife.
also i think i inadvertantly stole a belt from gap. i tried on a pair of pants and tried on a belt with them, and decided i wanted both and so out of laziness i just left the belt in the loops. when she was ringing my stuff up i noticed she left it in the loops but i didn't relalize that that meant she hadn't scanned it. when i got hoeme i checkd the receipt and it's not there. if it were something where the cashier would get in trouble, like if she gave me too much change and it came out of her paycheck, i'd go back...but honestly, i have shopped at the gap since i was in elementary school, so i'm pretty sure i've supported the company enough. besides they always do things like slash prices on stuff i buy after i buy it. (although if they do that within 30 days you can go and get the difference back, which is nice) so i really don't think the gap ceo is going to lose sleep over my $20 belt.
i think i'm going to see star wars today. not because i am one with the force (i don't think i've seen any of the prequels, and i havent seen the other ones since 4th grade when people started calling me leia because they found out that my middle name is leah) but beacuse i am a fantastic sister and my brother has been lugging around a lightsaber for days now.