Time as I've known it doesn't take much time to pass by me...

Feb 06, 2013 21:22

I was flipping through the blog roll this evening while eating dinner after another 12-hour day at work, making this already a 40+ hour week, with at least two days still to go.  And if the stuff ain't done, I'll be at work on Saturday.  If I'm not at work, I'll be over at the old house trying to finish getting it ready to sell.  I was scraping the bottom of the bowl (refried beans with spinach, cheddar cheese, and a boiled egg) when I hit Patricia Wrede's blog and her most recent entry.  I hate it when people spy on my life and write blog posts about it.  Like when the radio reads my mind.  Very weird.

Because yeah, I know this problem.  The job chafes especially right now, though I remind myself that it's seasonal.  I will have spare time again.  I do believe in fairies!  And I've been better this year about carving out time to write.  It really is a question of priorities.  "I don't have time" is a value statement, as a smarter person than me once said (though they claim they're not that smart).  And I'm definitely in a hurry.

So why am I blogging when I should be writing?  To the computer!  Oh wait.

cat vacuuming, references, philosophizing

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