
Nov 01, 2013 20:55

Yup, I got hooked.  Not entirely sure how, because November is crazy enough without trying to write 1700 words per day, even as fast as I type.  Today was classic November, in which I arrived at work at 7:30am, ate both breakfast and lunch with one hand on the keyboard, struggled through crises with varying degrees of success, and when I left the office into a rainstorm at 7pm (and me without my raincoat), all I could think as I looked at the rain was, "It figures."  If it had been sleeting, I think I would only have been mildly surprised.  It was that sort of day, and I have twenty-nine more of them to go.

That said, I'm at least off to a good start with NaNoWriMo: 1700 done tonight since I got home from work, and I may do a little more later.  Tomorrow I'll try to knock out 3000 or so, to get a leg up on next week.  I'll need all the extra legs I can get.  Gotta see if I can figure out how to put one of those tracker thingies on here.

nanowrimo, writing

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