
Oct 19, 2013 18:09

I'm less than 10,000 words from finishing the first round of revisions on the current novel WIP, and I already know most of those need to be cut.  In the initial draft, there was much aimless wandering while I tried to think how to wrap everything up.  Let's call it halfway through revising the second-to-last chapter.  A couple more hours, and I'm done, at least with this draft.

So seeing as I'm so close to done, what did I do with my afternoon?  Did I plant my ass in the chair and work on those last bits?  No, of course not.  I sat on the front porch and read.  Not even something for my writers' group, not even something new.  I'm re-reading The Birth of the Firebringer, which I loved as a kid and recently found in electronic format.  And of course I had to finish it instead of revising my novel.  I dunno, maybe they changed the ending when I wasn't looking.  Yeah, right.

Which has reminded me strongly of Mr. Earbrass: "Though TUH is within less than a chapter of completion, Mr. Earbrass has felt it his cultural and civic duty, and a source of possible edification, to attend a performance at Lying-in-the-Way of Prawne's The Nephew's Tragedy."  Yup.  Definitely my cultural and civic duty to read on the front porch.  Won't someone please think of the children!  Or something like that.

cat vacuuming, writing

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