More bouldering fun - and... a Yoga offer for you?

Mar 22, 2007 13:21

I went climbing last night, and ended up bouldering by myself for an hour while I waited for Jim to show up for top roping. All is well on the bouldering front. I'm still completely unable to finish this damned V1- that I've been working on. It's incredibly frustrating, especially since I did almost every V1 that was there. And speaking of which... huge success last night! I completed my first cave climb! That is to say, you start sitting on the floor, and climb up a cave wall as it curves up and over you. Eventually you end up climbing completely parallel to the floor for awhile, until you reach up (well, sideways and then up really) and over to grab the ledge that signals the end of the course. It was a V1, and next time there's a V1+ that I plan on doing.

I just need to crush that damned V1-! Grar.

I did a few more V1s as well last night, so I'm pretty satisfied with my progression. When Jim showed up we went top roping, and I'm trying to not push as hard. I *can* climb 5.9s, but really I need to step back and work on learning more moves. So That means next time I just want to start working on every 5.7 in the place until I can flash them all (flashing means you climb straight up without needing to stop and hang by the rope to rest). I'll occasionally do a 5.8, but I want to make sure I know all of the moves I need.

In semi-related news, I think I need to start doing Yoga. It will help build muscle endurance and flexibility - both of which I need for climbing. So, if there's anyone out there in LJ-land who does Yoga, and wants to work with me on it on a weekly basis, I'll pay you in free dinner (either cooked or bought by me) to include me in your Yoga workouts :) So if anyone is interested, let me know. I have zero knowledge of Yoga, but do not have the time or money to take a class.
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