
Nov 07, 2005 18:50

We received a call from our veterinarian saying that the cause of Parker's bloody nose was not allergies as we suspected, but an aggressive form of cancer. It's inoperable and resistant to chemotherapy, and radiation treatment will only serve to extend her life by a few months. She's still happy and vital. Still begging for bacon, still excited about her walks, but inside her head is a tumor that will kill her in the near future.

In truth, we'll be the ones who decide when her pain is too much. We'll have to become attuned to her breathing and eating, monitor how alert and spry she is. At some unknowable date, the accounting will reveal that Parker's day carries more pain than joy, and we'll take her to the vet to be put down. She's 11, but I felt certain that her stubbornness would ensure at least 3 or 4 more years in our lives.

Remington was a majestic and beautiful dog, and I loved him dearly, as I loved Boo Radley, Kirby, Pepper, and Gretel before him. Parker is different, though. Parker is my dog - the most loving and intelligent animal I've ever known. The thought of losing her after witnessing her health degrade over the next few weeks absolutely kills me inside.
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