There are some evenings that are just appropriate to listen to Dido...
I was highly amused to see her mentioned on Scrubs the other day. JD said "If my heart could write songs, they would be like this..." or something similar.
On a slightly different vein, what is the deal with everyone using Goldfrapp in thier commercials now? Give me a break. That just ruins it for the rest of us.
It's raining hard out, and the temperature is dropping...something like 30 degrees in 90 minutes. I've got my fingers crossed for an ice storm! I could sure use a snow day.
I was reminded of how unhip I am today...I didn't know what "ghost riding" was until I was shown this clip:, following it, a clip of one of our senior VP's daughter filming him and his brother doing thier own 'ghost riding.'
It's almost sad.
Not quite.
So I'm half done with my christmas shopping...and, i am going to be smart and not buy people presents who didn't give me presents last year! So there! Nyah!
Hee hee.
Amazingly enough, I got Ed's present to him already! Now if I could just get last years present sent...
Back to the whole musical thing...Morcheeba. If you don't know 'em, pick up a cd and let the smooth sultriness roll right over you.
I'm thinking that i'm gonna make a hella play list, open the blinds so I can watch the rain, and kick back on the new couch in the office.
I'm so sick of sleeping alone. But, I'm not gonna least I don't have to fight for covers.
Cross your fingers for snow day!
Oh, and in a very cool, yet amazingly geeky moment today, Jerry sent me an 85 page primer to speaking elvish. Who is geekier-him for sending it, or me for printing it out?
Inquiring minds wanna know.