yeah, dog!

Sep 16, 2007 14:38

1. I have a huge crush on Nick Williams. He's really cute. He has a girlfriend. This is a problem.

2. I'm almost done with my applications to study abroad in New Zealand. This is awesome. Maybe I'll meet Bret and Jemaine and I can have a threesome with them. That'd be really awesome.

3. I drank all day at The Great Escape with some of my favorite dynos. Chris Ladd and Natalija were there. It was wonderful. I did the thing where they lift you up in the air on a bungee chord and release you and you swing back and forth at high speeds. I also did bumper cars like three times WASTED. So now I can say I've driven drunk. Best day of the semester so far. It'll be hard to beat. When else am I going to get to drink pitchers of beer underage in public and go on amusement rides? Awesome, Awesome, Awesome.

4. I'm pretty excited about my life.
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