(no subject)

May 26, 2014 16:45

Sekai drabble because I don't know how LJ works and I'm testing its tides.

In which Sehun and Kai are dumb enough to not know what love is.

fair warning: disgusting 15-minute word vomit that i wrote a few months back when i was trying not to do physics homework

Sehun and Kai start out as best friends because they're both in the same dance class and they do stupid things together like egg other people's houses just for the heck of it (their number one victim being Jongdae the guy who always makes lame puns in class and sometimes Junmyeon, student council president and number one teacher's pet whom they have a special loathing for) and then take showers together after gym classes because

"C'mon, Jongin. I read about this in Reader's Digest. This helps conserve water."

"Fuck you, Sehun. All you read are shoujo mangas."

"That's a fucking lie!"

They breeze through High School with barely passing grades but with a lot of detention passes and by the time graduation rolls around, there's a heavy feeling in the pits of their stomachs because Sehun is leaving Seoul for a bigger world out there while Jongin is staying. Their families have dinner together at one of those upperclass restaurants that's too suffocating for the both of them so they excuse themselves and go up to the rooftop of the hotel where the restaurant is located. Both of them don't say a word until Jongin's the first one to speak up.

"So, what time is your flight again tomorrow morning?"

Sehun pokes the ground with the front of his leather shoe. "Seven. Ugh, morning flights are going to be the death of me."

Jongin rolls his eyes but then reaches out to hug his best friend. "I'm going to miss you even if you're an asshole." Jongin says, his voice threatening to break out but he holds still and wills himself not to cry.

Sehun scoffs even though he's on the brink of tears as well. "Of course you're going to miss me. I'm the best thing to ever happen to your sorry excuse of a life. Without me, you're just aweso. I can't say I'll miss you too though."

Jongin lets go of Sehun and he laughs while he punches the younger boy's arm. "Never been good with emotions, huh, Oh Sehun?"

Sehun sniffs and Jongin's about to comment that underneath the surface, Sehun's just a big crybaby but Sehun opens his mouth before Jongin can get a word in. "I hate you, Kim Jongin. I hate you because you're going to pursue dance and continue on with your dream while I slink away in fucking Business Management and take over my father's empire. I hate you because your parents support you and you're actually talented enough to make it big on your own. I hate you because your life is unfair, because you're unfair. But most of all, I hate you because I've been in love with you all these years but you were just too dense to notice it and I hate you because I can't take you with me to London."

By the time Sehun finishes, there are tears in both of their eyes and Jongin wants so much to lean over and meet his best friend halfway but Sehun starts running and Jongin's feet are stuck to the ground. Because it hurts. It hurts because all these years, Jongin's also been in love with Sehun and he knew the other boy's feelings were mutual but he was scared because he saw it coming and he knew it was all going to come down into this.

The separation was inevitable. They were never meant to be more than just best friends.

And what hurts the most is that maybe they could've loved each other in the best way possible... that is, if they could've loved at all.

fic: drabble, pairing: sekai

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