Mar 19, 2015 15:56
In no particular order......
Regular- not started yet
Italics: In progress
Strikethrough: On hiatus/halted
Bold: Finished
-Epic Haruhi's reunion with Tori-roomie~ <3
-Playdate with the animal lovers~ (Kim, Ana, Remy, Heike, Kiku....anyone else that owns a pet)
-Lunchdate with Lenna
-Musical enlightenment with Jared
-Rescuing boss Roderich from the stray cat invasion
-ZOMBIE INVASION, TO THE WINCHESTER! ....with Peter (and possibly Conner xD)
-Pantless time with Feli~
-Bonding Tiems with Kikiu
If anyone else would like to thread, don't hesitate to leave a comment here or PM me and let me know~
the hg loves you~,