Europe was amazing. Here are the pictures to prove it.
Me and Tony, pre-flight to Frankfort
Our "Botel"
The Munich Olympic Park
A catherdral in Cologne
Me and Tony by the Trevi Fountain
Looking down the Spanish Steps..
A courtyard
The Colesseum.. well, part of it
Kerri, Christine and moi before a night out
The 'Doma', I think it was called.. in Florence
Ahh, Italian wine!
We got pretty tired.. us on a train to Capri.
Vatican City (3 days before the Pope died)
Some boys and me with the head of the Statue of David
Kinda blurry, but the famous ceiling of the Sistine chapel.
Boys in my overnight car (Andy, Wayne, Derek, Stewart and Tony)
Berne <33
The Swiss Alps in Interlaken <33
Wayne, Lauren, Kyle, Me, Tony and Matty in the Alps
Yepp, get this.. I went Canyon Jumping =D Think Bungee Jumping but less whiplash and more swinging. It was from 95m (around 300ft) and was absolutly incredible..
Our Crazy group- Kerri, Tyler, Kyle, Me, Mark, Christine and Julian
The Canyon..
Later on, someone paragliding :)
The goregous beaches of Nice..
Us all at supper that night.
All burnt and messy, me and Tony
Monte Carlo
Yet another beach, Monte Carlo was great. :)
Sean shaved and dressed to blend in... tourists thought he was a parisian.. ha.
Us and the Effiel Tower <3
The veiw from the top..
The Triomphe d'Arc
Minelli, Amanda and me in front of a GOREGOUS car..
Us againnnn
The Louvre
A memorial for the Pope in the Notre Dame Basillica
Cheers, Big Ben!
'The London Eye'
Westminster Abby
London Bridge!
The view from the top of the eye, with Tony and his Aunt Gloria
Us that night, at his Aunt's house <33
Marcy and Talia on the plane back home
...and that's about it. :)