(no subject)

Aug 03, 2015 15:07

I'm blowing off the dust on this old livejournal after two years and posting an asylum challenge. I figured it would be an easy way to ease back into playing/posting my game so here I am!
Anyway, this Cordelia Cornpepper, great-great-great grandaughter of Cornelius Cornpepper I. Cornelius founded the Cornpepper Psychiatric Insititute, affectionately called 'that asylum place' by the locals, in the early 1900s. The once-prestigious Institute fell into disrepair as successive Cornelius Cornpeppers didn't share Cornelius I's passion, finally closing it's doors under the orders of Cornelius III.
Cordelia Cornpepper is determined to re-open the Institute and re-establish it as the prestigious psychiatric facility it once was. Her father has reluctantly agreed to allow a trial run and put seven patient under Cordelia's care.

The patients are as follows:

Here's where they'll all be shacked up for the time being. Cordelia is a romance sim with the dream of woohooing with 20 different sims, so until she manages that everyone is stuck here.

We're off to a great start, with Linnea bitching because she can't get into the shower while Jonquil
looks on curiously

Jonquil and Penelope both take up Linnea's cause and join in on the bitching and moaning
about the inaccessible shower

Garrett wanders in and joins in. Jonquil and Penelope have both given up, disenchanted with
yelling for reasons they don't understand
Linnea, however, will not give up

Linnea: this is ridiculous
Jonquil and Garrett: *pleasantly converse*

As much as I was enjoying the clusterfuck of indignance the bathroom had become, I rotated the shower.
Penelope: get out, i want to take a shower
Linnea: are u srs
Penelope was totally serious and successfuly shoo'd everyone out


Things aren't going so great outside of the bathroom, either. Garrett is already worried about

Penelope establishes dominance by playing in the shower and refusing to let anyone
else bathe

Linnea, original shower crusador, has yet to take a shower and has developed a stench

Linnea: I stink AND I'm hungry
If only there were something you could do about that...

Like, I dunno, eat the mac and cheese that's sitting on the counter?

Linnea: Hey. Hey. Reginald. I'm hungry.
Reginald: *ignores*

She cooks herself some mac n' cheese without burning the house down, I'm so proud

She still hasn't showered though! Her stench is now so strong it's become visisble

Garrett: hOLD ME
Penelope: o-okay

Penelope immediately puts Garrett down and beelines for Reginald, smothering him
with affection

Jonquil is the first to fail to make it to a bed

Cordelia: oh god it's only the first night this can't already be happening *worryworry*

Toby passes out in the bathroom

Cordelia: oh gosh, this is really bad

Linnea: *still unshowered and really needs to pee*

Linnea: i swear to god

:-( Linnea has quickly become my favorite b/c of these shower shenanigans. her incontinence
makes me sad

Toby eventually gets up and guess who capitalizes on the open bathroom...It's not Linnea.
She's gone back to bed.

Linnea: I had a horrible nightmare that I'm trapped in an asylum with seven other
people who refuse to let me shower

It's time to get started on this LTW because I've never ever completed it and that's
not really an option here. Cordelia greets this receding hairline

Back inside, ACR is working it's magic and Penelope and Wallace have taken a liking to each other
Reginald: *stare*

Wallace: *dislocates shoulder*
Reginald: im not watching. i am totally unaware of what's happening

Reginald: *swoops*

aww yiss, 1/20

Linnea adorably explains the terrors of ghosts

this...was totally unexpected


nope, it's these two. congrats! you're officially the first woohoo between patients

Penelope is a popular lady. she's barely put her clothes back on before she's
climbing into bed with Garrett
Garrett and Wallace: *intense eye contact*

Wallace: WOAH, Penelope is NAKED

Wallace: and it's not with meeEEeheeee

Wallace: >:(

Linnea spots her opportunity, and she takes it

Linnea: do u love me now *mouth breathes*

Reginald: Linnea is so gross ew
Linnea: *doesn't care, has food*

Even with her head smashed through a planter, Linnea's got game

Reginald probably sensed my indifference towards him and is trying to win favors

-___- now that these hate each other's guts the fighting is pretty much incessant

Penelope seeks comfort in the arms of another man

Enrique Mopglesias is already making an appearance


Garrett, Toby, Jonquil, & Penelope: who dat

I think a good stopping point is after three fire-induced breakdowns

cornpepper asylum

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