
Apr 18, 2012 20:43

Hi, I am alive, and still playing my legacies! Sort of. Not really. But I do have this update!

Let's start off with a picture of Pluma because holy shit, she is beautiful. Take good, long
look at her like this because I gave her and everyone else a make over. Because of reasons.
Such as deleting my downloads.

Flynn, I honestly don't think that Gen is even remotely interested in your diary.

She is far too involved in her cookbook.

Oh, so you're worried about Foxtrot (charterzard)

You mean the Foxtrot who is currently going upstairs and there is a wall between you two?
Okay, that makes sense.

She goes upstairs to play some video games. Golly is she purple.

Louie is also upstairs, playing with the race car. :>

Pluma is being nice?????

No one even cares about the fire.

Except for the firewoman, bless her soul.

Flynn just really, really wanted to get to the fridge so he could stuff his face.
Classy, Flynn, real classy.

:-( Laney got stuck with homework duty. Look at those piles! It's impossible to keep up with
homework in an ISBI.

Not that they had much but still, I need that D:

The headmaster comes over, and hopefully they'll earn some points since Gen is flashing her 
goodies everywhere.

The quads decided to grow up right in the middle of the headmaster's visit. They have impeccable timing.
Don't be fooled by the picture in the center, these are Laney's stats. 
Popularity, + Jewelry and Unemployed, - Swimwear

Louie: Fortune, + Makeup and Mechanical, - Grey hair

As if there isn't enough excitement with the headmaster around, let's add a fire to the mix!
Sometimes I really hate the butler.

Frida: Family, + Formal wear and Charismatic, - Unemployed

Aaaaand, finally Dex: Romance, + Brown Hair and Unemployed, - Grey hair

I went ahead and deleted any pictures I'd taken after these guys grew up, because they all change
anyway so let's just jump right in to the new stuff! :D :D :D

Starting with a tour of the redecorated house!

Gen, with her down-turned lips.

Pluma hates people so much she takes to peeing on guests to get them to leave.

This is pretty much what Pluma's face looks like all of the time.

She's always pissed off.

The butler immediately cleaned up Pluma's pee. At least he's good for something.

Everyone is sick, also. This is Frida.

She's reallyreally sad about her terrible grades, and Louie hates Pluma.

Frida :<

She snaps out of it, though.


With different skin, Laney looks soooo different. A good different, I think she's
absolutely beautiful. ^_^

Ooooh gurl, he's kind of cute. Get on that Lane!

Here's Dexter. He got a different skin, too, since I deleted the one he and Laney both had.
They look so much better without it.

Dexter grew up from a serious child to a teenage asshole.
He once admired Louie, now he bitch slaps him.

I got them a wormrat. I named him Boo Radley, after the character from
To Kill a Mockingbird.

Dexter: Hey, congrats on getting married to dad!
Gen: Thanks, honey. ohshitididntactuallymarryhim
Yup, Flynn and Gen are still not married. At least not that I remember.

Frida's face is so hilarious, oh my god.
Gen looks away and pretends not to notice her children beating each other.

Dexter goes and cries by a tree, because really, the only living things in that house that like him
are the plants.

Gen decides to leave when Dexter comes back to give Frida a piece of his mind by 
jabbing her in the face.

Gen: I see nothing.

Frida: :O I can't believe you did that, you meanie.

Frida: You will PAY

Frida: Why are you doing this to me? :<

Frida: You are such an ASSHOLE

Dexter can't handle Frida's moodswings.

To be honest, I would not mess with Dexter.

Dexter: 1
Frida: 0

Oh Gen. Bless your sweet, innocent soul.

Laney is precious as she plays chess with this boy who's name I do not recall.

I love Pluma's make over, I think it suits her and her teenage angst nicely.

The quads are really like two separate sets of twins, and Frida and Louie are a set. They
get along really well.

When they aren't scowling at each other, that is.

No but really, they get a long really well.

And then Dexter appears, lurking in the shadows.

Jesus Christ, Dex.

Will you two STOP IT?

We interrupt this program to bring you pretty pictures of hot soup.

And Laney's chess face.
Laney has full nice points. She's the only one who's friends with everyone in the house. She's
a sweatheart :-)

Pluma is upstairs sleeping, that's why she isn't around much, wreaking havoc.

Pretty shot of Laney in the tub.

Dexter: 2
Frida: 0

Flynn was wearing this hilariously appropriate goofy-dad outfit, so I let him keep it.

He breaks my heart. Look at him, reading one of his many children to sleep.

Laney makes food?

Despite her look of joy, Pluma is throwing a tantrum. I think she enjoys throwing
tantrums, being the she-devil she is.

She then punched Flynn really hard, which made him mad.

And then proceeded to make her way upstairs smiling, to go slap Frida. I kid you not,
I peeked at her queue to see what was making her so happy and she was on her way to go slap

And that's all she wrote! I'll see you next time, folks, and hopefully that will be sometime soon.

p.s I'm not going to even bother trying to keep up with those ISBI stats

!legacy: ashmore

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