Sep 16, 2005 15:37
Why do republicans have to be so fucking close minded and stuck up ( I always get the feeling of stuck upness when they talk) . I remember when bush said that he would purpose to amend the constitution to ban gay marriage and people thought that couldnt happen, but it is. November 8th is when we vote on it. I feel like he is the enemy, ok so you dont like gay people why draw an obvious line btween people when we should be coming together, when there are far more important things in america to be done. I have never been so against a political person in my life until him. i decided to join the gay group at sac and see if they have anything planned to get people to vote against it. Just think about how sad and wrong it will feel if that gets into the constitution and women loose thier right to choose. What happend to tolerance, i dont think people know the meaning of that word. I wish i had this power to make people understand that hate and being negative is just a waste of time and energy.
How much longer until he is out of office!? P.s did yall read about mrs. bush's comments about new orleans...she probably didnt mean it the way it sounded, but it wasn't good. They put her somewhere else away from cameras and microphones it was something to the effect that is was bad there, but they were used to it because it was poor there and going into shelters was the best thing to happen to them. Who knows how she meant it.