Sep 28, 2004 17:41
When people who think they know you make these assumptions about your character and personality suck.
I can honestly say that there are only 3 people who know me inside and out (myself included). If I've just met you in the past couple of weeks.. months.. you obviously aren't one of them. So don't think that because I've told you one of my "deepest darkest secrets" that we're best friends. Or don't think just because we've been friends for 12 years that you know anything about my personal life. You may think that way towards me, but it takes a lot of time and effort for me to gain someone's trust and to respect that person reasonably, which is why I only like being close friends with 3 people. I like finding out why you do the things you do, and if I'm just not interested, then obviously I just don't care. I do things with reason but without anyone else knowing. My seemingly erratic behavior makes perfect sense to me. I admit there are some things where I just ask myself, "what the heck did I just do?," but why do you even care why. Take care of yourself because your lack of interest in yourself shows that you definitely have self esteem issues that I don't particularly want to deal with.
I don't particularly feel very comfortable with the way I am though. I admit my actions haven't really followed with my ideal persona of myself in college, but I'm just going to give myself that excuse of "College is a time for growing." But, let me deal with it. If I don't ask you for help or if I don't ask to talk about it, then just don't talk to it about it with me. I hate people who bother me incessantly about issues that I'd rather procrastinate (ha, yes, alex is procrastinating for the first time ever) unless it actually becomes a huge issue. I can safely say that right now I don't need your help. And if you do, then I'd rather not be around you.
Don't get me wrong. I like my friends. I like the people that I've met. I like UVA. But just don't bug me. I like my space.
This entry may seem to surprise you if you've met me recently in college (and by recently I mean in the past year) because I've acted bubbly or what not, but I guess you "know" the angry pessimistic side of me now. It's how I think sometimes and I've never really cared for the opinion of others about myself so I don't really care.
If I've scared you, then you obviously didn't get the point of this entry. Stupidity sucks.
PS - David Cheng I'm really sorry that I didn't get to see you. If you saw what I had to do this weekend, your mind would be boggled too. I promise I'll make it up to you :(
PPS - This entry might have been the aftermath feelings of getting my first poor grade in college today that actually mattered. Blargh.