Jan 25, 2015 19:58
The Office has decided that all of us sysadmins need training in a vendor product that is used on systems that maybe three of us ever touch. The overt theory is that since we carry the on-call phone on rotation, the affected servers may go down when one of us ignorant ones is responsible, and the mail will not go through. The conspiracy theory is that the training budget has to get used somehow, and blowing it all at once is easiest.
So I will be at school at work, from 9 AM to 5 PM.
The problem with this scenario is that my usual hours are 6 AM to 2:30 PM. Driving to work so as to arrive at 9 AM means starting off on a fifty-mile drive JUST as the Bay Area commute clogs to a halt, and being behind the wheel for two hours instead of one. The same applies for the commute home, which is worse. The people who live on the Peninsula are not affected by this, as most of them get to work between 8 and 10 anyway.
So I am looking at five days of commuting during the worst possible commute time, arriving at work stressed already, and getting home very late with blood spurting from my eyeballs.
I am taking the coward's way out, and have booked a motel room ten minutes from work. On my own dime, of course. My Wife was away in Texas all last week, so I have had two days in her company and now I get to move out.
Last Friday, I had a performance evaluation meeting with my manager, and she said she had heard about this course, and, my goodness, that's a long commute, and ha ha maybe I should get a hotel room for the week. Thanks, mem-sahib, glad you're OK with it all.
For some reason, I have not been feeling particularly amusing or chatty for the last few days. Don't know why.