Jun 11, 2009 22:35
I don't think I've mentioned this on here before. Next year I'm planning to live in City House, a project in downtown Beaver Falls focused on cultivating community among the house's residents and engaging the neighborhood around us. It's a select program, with about 10 participants each year. It's a valid "housing option" for Geneva (students are required to live on campus or with their parents), but it's independently controlled. Yeah, it's a little weird. Today I was informed that this is a conflict with my position as Residence Councillor. Since City House is not under the purview of Student Development and Residence Life, I can't both live there and be on the council.
Now, it had occurred to me, after the fact, that applying to live in the house probably wasn't the best decision given how ridiculously busy I'll be next year (21 and 22 credits each semester, respectively, plus work, plus all the stuff that comes with being a senior), even before I got the RC job. The house is a couple of miles off campus, and it's expected that I be there for dinner each night, at the very least. This is the perfect excuse to get out of it. But I've already met the others who I'd be living with. I ate dinner with these people. They're a great group. A little odd, but great. And I'll feel like a total jerk by backing out on them. The fact remains that I will be ridiculously busy. Even if I resign the RC position, would I be able to do right by my housemates in regards to actually participating in the community aspect?
I'd really like to keep the RC position. It's a great opportunity to gain some leadership skills and shape campus life, and again, I'd be working with a great group of people. And of course there's the added benefit of living on campus. It's not like resigning the position leaves the Student Union in any less of a lurch; they've already had to replace the executive VP and the Senate still has a few vacant seats. Oh, and I'd definitely run the risk of getting some dweeb for a roommate since I have long missed the boat on that. :P
Yes, I'm going to disappoint people either way, but I feel like I would be backing out of City House for more selfish reasons. Basically I want to keep the RC job, but I feel like I should stay with City House.
Grr. Argh.