Mar 05, 2005 13:09
nothing to update but i guess i ll just blah away about some's c..last wk my room got flooded n wasted a whole day cleaning up the crap...then spend another whole day watching all my series which resulted in no sleep at all..n weird sleeping pattern this wk too..arggh..feel like nothing much midterm ..hw..n work..oh found out another coworker is also from car registration fee just got here too..haha..crappy old cars pay so much less..onli 53 bux..but still me so broke no money....well tat's bout it..another wkend of wasting time watching movies...doing minor hws ....agonizing whether i ll get to sign up for the right classes..n blah blah..oh some good songs i found out this wk:
古巨基 + 王麗達 - 愛是神話(國語版)
janice - 一夜傾情
maggie fu - 魘
謝安琪 - 姿色份子
Janice - 情深說話未曾講
leo ku - 中箭
蔣雅文/李逸朗 - 懶醒
mostly new songs..this new two singers janice n 謝安琪 pretty good singers...arr..after listening to twin's mandarin songs anything would seem good..haha...can't wait..end of the month both miriam n eason new cds!!!