May 03, 2005 17:22
This or That Survey
Pick Which one you like better:
Coke or Pepsi- cOkE
Chocolate or Vanilla- cHoCoLaTe
Black or White- bLaCk
Summer or Winter- sUmMeR
Spring or Fall- spring
Hilary Duff or Lindsay Lohan- lInDsAy
Cds or DVDs- dVdS
TV or Computer- cOmPuTeR
Cookies or Cake- cOoKiEs
Single or Taken- sInGlE
Smile or Laugh- SmIle
Apples or Oranges- aPpLeS
Adam Brody or Ben McKenzie- BeN McKeNZiE
One Tree Hill or The OC- 1 Tre3 HiLl
Paris or Nicky- PaRiS
Mary-Kate or Ashley- mArY kAtE
Chips or Fries- fRiEs!
Peanut Butter or Jelly- pEaNuT bUtA
Tall or Short- tAlL
Night or Day- DaY
Pants or Shorts- pAnTs
Flip-Flops or Sneakers- fLiP-fLoPs