Current Events...

Mar 15, 2011 01:48's been quiet around these parts.

I'm not going to go into the reasons why because I have something WAY MORE IMPORTANT to tell you about.

THIS is a really awesome project dedicated to helping the people of Japan that were affected by the recent earthquake and tsunami. GACKT is doing amazing things with this project, including securing ways to transport supplies to the survivors. Even the ones in the areas near the struggling nuclear reactors.

These people are going to need help for a long time to come. I want to help them as much as I can, for as long as I can.

Right now, the only way to donate directly to the Show Your Heart fund is through bank transfer, which is really pricey. Someone over in ohgacktyoudidnt has kindly offered to cover the transfer costs if people want to donate to that paypal fund and then they can send the money. I love this idea to pieces.

There are a couple of things going on in my mind right now, though. One is that I don't have as much money as I want to be able to donate right now, and I'm afraid I'll miss that person's deadline.  I'm also thinking that, in a few weeks, donations are going to tail off and people might still need some help.

So my question to my friends is, what if I were to do a follow-up fundraiser in the same vein say...a month from now? Would that be rude? I don't want it to come across as "I'll only help on my terms!" I just really want to get a decent fund to send and I'm planning on hitting up my friends and family as well as putting together some things to sell (like music, watch out now!) and I'll need a bit more time than the proposed timeline.

Input is greatly appreciated.

Also, I just want to take a second to say I love you all. Like seriously. I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to any of you and I'm so grateful that you all are safe and (well, relatively) healthy. Please stay that way.

i love my f-list

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