Thank you to everyone who offered their condolences about Shobu. It's becoming easier to deal with but I still find myself getting a little teary-eyed now and then. My mom decided to make a facebook photo album of all of the "little kid's" adventures. I'll probably be transferring photos to photobucket to do the same. I think I might share them here too, because I think her lessons of strength and happiness should be shared with as many people as possible.
In an attempt to cheer myself up before work today, I pulled out the pick I snagged from the floor at the Vamps concert. Now, when I first snagged it, I thought originally that it was just an extra pick that one of the roadies had tossed out into the crowd after the show had ended. So, it was cool, but nothing too special because I didn't get it directly from K.A.Z. I didn't look at it too closely that night because I was too excited and tired to really focus. I tucked it away somewhere safe and decided to keep it there until I got home and figured out how to display it.
After further inspection this morning, I noticed something...
You see the little scratches in the logo on the upper right corner? And do you notice that same corner looking a little ragged? Yeah...Those would be marks from guitar strings. As in K.A.Z actually used that pick at some point.