So many things to make me happy, today!
The first one is a leftover from yesterday afternoon...
Look who finally arrived just in time for me to go to work!
Now he can oversee all of my production homework! *squish* He's very soft and snuggle-y, too. I used him to help me feel better last night because I was having an allergic reaction to something I ate. (That's two this week! I need to be more careful!) I'm okay, though. ^^ Nothing a couple of Benadryl, some Aleve and a full night's sleep couldn't fix.
Unfortunately, the overwhelming pain from my allergic reaction made me cranky and I got into it with some people on Arama again. lol, I need to avoid the internet when I feel like that...I get bitchy very quickly XD
I got my grade for my final project today, too! I got an A!
The instructor gave me a really nice and helpful comment, too!
Well done! In spite of all the struggles I am proud to hear it and hope you are too! In many ways I find that a simple piece like this can really be useful for learning production.. it allows you to hear and clearly identify what to do, how to mix, what to try when you are wanting a different sound or result. This works perfectly and holds our interest because of the nice time signature changes you've used, very clever... it keeps us guessing but remains gentle and clear throughout. Beautiful work and they will only get better! I will suggest that you experiment with longer reverb decay times and sizes because you'll usually have certain sounds that can really be "magic" in how they will hang in space... try one reverb bus set up for a Cathedral and over 4 seconds of decay time for a lush space... you could even automate from the track's send control into the bus so that only certain notes might be sent to the reverb rather then the entire part in a continuous manner. These are all modern methods that we hear used all of the time in the style of your project..great job!
I want to wish you all my best for a bright career ahead and some wonderful music along the way... hope we can work together again in the next level SONAR class called Producing Music With SONAR... see you again, stay with it and enjoy your music!
All my best, SM : )
*preens* Thank you to everyone else that has left such nice comments, too. It's really inspired me to keep trying ^^
I think my bunny is coming with me to watch fireworks this 4th of July (Yeah, the US loves Gackt so much, we have fireworks on his birthday) But first, I'm going to go get a hole put in my lip, today! I'm a little nervous because I haven't gotten a piercing since I got my ears done when I was five. I've been wanting this for a few years, and I finally have a little extra money so off I go!