Some More Promised Gackt Fiction...

Jan 11, 2010 22:35

Title: Men Who Love Women (1/??)
Author: Spaceprincess18
Rating: PG for now
Fandom: Gackt
Pairings: None for now
Warnings: Crack! afraid, or amused...or both!
Summary: Pictures of Gackt dressed as Lucy and episodes of Ranma 1/2 create a strange alternate universe in my mind. What would happen if Jusenkyo really existed? Why, Gackt would challenge himself to train there, of course! But, Gackt is sometimes unsuccessful on his first try...
Notes: This is the first part of the fic I promised asliceofthemoon  for Christmas. I'm sorry it's late and unfinished! It ran away from me! This is going to be waaay longer than expected...

Chapter One:

‘Hmmm…Cursed Springs Training Grounds…I wonder why it’s called that…’ Gackt mused as he pulled on his training clothes. Today was the final test of his 3 week training session in China.

“Sir!” A portly Chinese man called out as Gackt prepared to begin his test.

“Yes?” Gackt responded politely in Mandarin as he began to climb the rope that would bring him to the starting point of the challenge.

“It very VERY important you do not fall in cursed springs!” The man called in broken Japanese. The final challenge of the training grounds consisted of a maze of bamboo poles spread at seemingly random intervals throughout a large area riddled with a myriad of different pools of water. Gackt’s goal was to leap from pole-to-pole until he reached the barely visible platform at the other end of the springs.

“I gathered that from the initial training and testing I had to go through in order to take the final test,” Gackt muttered to himself. Out loud he replied, “I understand!”

“Sir!” The man called again, sounding a little stressed, “You sure you want do this? Is very dangerous!”

“I’m sure I’ll be fine! You said yourself that I was ready!” Gackt replied, raising an eyebrow at the grave tone of the chubby little man, “Now, let’s do this!”


Gackt was doing quite well with the final test. He’d made it three-quarters of the way through the maze without any snags. He crouched gracefully on the top of a pole and debated the merits of the three poles he had to choose from in order to move forward. Suddenly, a high pitched squeal broke into his concentration. He stared in the direction of the noise, trying to figure out where the sound had come from. It wasn’t long before could see a little black piglet dashing from pole to pole in his direction. Gackt was so stunned by what he saw that he couldn’t even bring himself to dodge when the little creature crashed right into him. Of course, the crash did very little physical damage, but it greatly upset his graceful yet precarious perch. Gackt cursed and flailed his arms, but it was to no avail for he was soon plummeting to the springs below.

To be continued…

men who love women, gackt, i love my f-list, fiction

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