Jan 11, 2010 20:32

OMG you guys...Today was day 1 of class and I already epically screwed up an assignment.

Usually, when I post something to class, or anywhere that the general public will see it, I edit it in Microsoft Word first. Well, apparently, the boards at my school website do not like Microsoft Word. My post looked like html hell! All of this html gibberish before my assignment ;_; I feel like an idiot! The icing on the cake? NO EDIT FUNCTION! *sobs* It's was the Greet and Meet post, too! First impression FAIL! *headdesk*

Well, the first big assignment is research on the Sony/ATV Music Publishing company...expect me to be sharing here!

I'll be continuing with my Japanese self-teaching in Feb. I want to get back into the swing of studies, and I have a week of vacation coming up first!

Rock'nRoll Trivia Time again!

Sat/Sun Answer:

Chain of Fools

Monday, January 11th, 2010

Who was the first international star to perform in South Africa after the end of the United Nations cultural boycott?

rock n roll trivia, crap!

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