Your Existing Situation
Unable to exert the efforts to achieve his objectives. Feels neglected, desiring greater security, warm affection, and fewer problems.
Your Stress Sources
Acutely distressed by what appears as a hostile environment. Feels he is being subjected to intolerable pressure and driven against his will. Rebellious and resentful at what he considers unreasonable demands on him, but feels powerless to control the situation or protect himself in any way.
Your Restrained Characteristics
Wants to broaden his fields of activity and insists that his hopes and ideas are realistic. Distressed by the fear that he may be prevented from doing what he wants; needs both peaceful conditions and quiet reassurance to restore his confidence.
Egocentric and therefore quick to take offense. Sensitive and sentimental, but conceals this from all except those very close to him.
Your Desired Objective
Urgently in need of rest, relaxation, peace, and affectionate understanding. Feels he has been treated with a lack of consideration and is upset and agitated as a result. Regards his situation as intolerable as long as his requirements are not complied with.
Your Actual Problem
Tensions and stresses induced by trying to cope with conditions which are really beyond his capabilities or reserves of strength have led to considerable anxiety, and a sense of personal (but admitted) inadequacy. He seeks to escape into a more peaceful and problem-free situation, in which he will no longer have to assert himself or contend with so much pressure.
Your Actual Problem #2
Depleted vitality has created an intolerance for any further stimulation, or demands on his resources. A feeling of powerlessness subjects him to agitation and acute distress. Tries to escape from this by relinquishing the struggle, and by finding peaceful and restful conditions in which to recuperate in an atmosphere of affection and security.
Taken from
immoralfear's LJ. Personally I would think it's pretty damn accurate.