
Jan 30, 2006 23:16

So yeah.... I figured I'd update a little, but I doubt anyone will read/comment on this. oh well.

School is getting a little harder, but not too much, which is good. But I've made some friends in my classes so that if I need help, I can call on them, which is kool. Plus there are still soooo many gorgeous guys here, it's driving me crazy!!! >.<

It's ok though, cause I get to look, a lot!! ^_^ Plus there are lots of hot guys in my classes which rocks, except that I can't stare for most of the classes, because the seats are stadium seating-like. It's still kool though, because there is this one guy that's in my Poli Sci class that's cute but very strange(in a good way). He's a friend and fraternity brother of Rabbit's(that's Niki for those of u who didn't know). Jessie is also in the class too which is even better(another friend of Rabbit's slowly becoming mine too. ^_^

Anywho, I believe his name is Justin(he has only said his name once, so I don't remember it). It's weird because at times when he talks to me, I don't know if he is flirting with me or just joking around. And knowing me, I tend to be totally dense and oblivious to guys trying to flirt/hit on me. It sucks, cause they need to be totally straight with me when it comes to that, mainly because I'm a HUGE TEASE!!!! ^_^ I don't know..... sheesh... I hate that I'm like that, but he is cute.

Nothing too much with work. They actually put me on register the second day I worked there, which was pretty sweet. I thought that they'd at least wait a week or so to put me on register, ya know, give me some grunt-work and stuff like that. Oh well, it's good because that means I might get more hours, which I need. ^_^ Last week I got 18hrs(but picked up 4 1/2 more hrs for a total of 22 1/2hrs) and this week I got 13 1/2hrs(then picked up another 4 1/2hrs, so now I have 18hrs this week), so when I get paid next week on the 11th, my check will be REALLY GOOD. ^_^ Over $250, which will be very nice. :P

Health is good. Went to the Student Health Center today to check out my wrist problem and turns out that I do have mild carple-tunnel in my wrist which sucks. I now have to wear a splint/brace thing for 2-4 weeks. I hope this helps, because it had hurt really bad yesturday, and I don't want it to hurt that bad again. It almost felt like I had a broken wrist, which would've sucked majorly. I really just need to improve how I'm typing, because it's mainly from that. :-/ So to forewarn!! Becareful youngins of how your typing.

But yeah, that's it about it for now. I don't think there is anything more to report. WAIT!!! before I forget, to those in da home town.... I'll be home the weekend of the 11th and 12th, so if you want to hang out or go do something, hit me up,k. Just wanted to let ya'll know that.

Anywho, I'm out now.... gonna go catch some ZZZZ's. Talk to everybody later.

I'm out.
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