Deeper Into The Abyss

Jun 21, 2013 00:14

Pairing : YongSeo
Genre: Angst, Romance
Rating: G
Music : One Last Goodbye by Jonalyn Viray

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The train she was in had stopped for 10 minutes already. She looked at her watch again, and fought the urge to scold herself amidst the many passengers.

She should have taken the bus instead.

But in her desire to visit every place as planned, she took the train to arrive in St. Paul’s Cathedral on time.

She should have taken the bus instead, and she would have seen the scenery.

She can’t help but wonder how long she had anticipated this day to happen, and can’t believe how one decision could be her downfall.

So she fishes out for the book she had been reading lately, and forces herself to finish it. She needed to be distracted.

But only after a few minutes and a couple of pages flipped, she felt a tingling sensation. It was as if someone had been watching her from a distance.

She searches for a face but was welcome with none. People were busy chatting or using their mobile phones. No one seemed to be interested in a foreign girl still reading books in the age of tablets and PDFs.

Good thing the train finally started moving, and she was too excited to think of anything else but making the most of her London Trip.

Upon setting foot at St. Paul’s Cathedral, Seohyun couldn’t help but be in awe.

Some of her unnies who have visited and toured the United Kingdom had long been raving about it. And she finally understood why.

But it was unfortunate that she could only visit now. Without any of her unnies, or their managers, somehow it felt lonely marveling at its beauty.

She shook her head, not wanting to think about it. It’s too late to feel alone and lonely now when she had been living by herself in an apartment in Paris for at least six months.

St. Paul’s interior distracted her from her thoughts. She unconsciously held her breath upon seeing it. No wonder people still visit the Cathedral. But what really caught her interest was the ever famous Whispering Gallery.

It is said that one could hear someone’s whisper in that part of the Cathedral, no matter how bleak the sound.

She smiled as she went in the gallery. She could hear sounds from every corner, as if one can’t keep a secret inside.

She hesitated to say something because no one would really bother, but her being nameless in this part of the globe excited her. She can practically say anything she wants, and no one would bother nor understand.

“I’ve missed you,” she whispered in her native tongue. She smiled again. People didn't seem to notice her, not sparing her a glance.

She finally decided to visit the café nearby, so could eat and still have time to look around the place.

But a whisper piqued her curiosity.

“Nado, Seo Joohyun-ah.”

She couldn’t recognize people’s faces, trying to find someone who would have said those words. But in the mass of people visiting, she failed. Maybe it was just a random fan that incidentally saw her, and answered her whisper.

May be, just maybe, it was someone who she never knew, and would never know her really.

Or maybe she’s just too hungry that she’s already hearing odd sounds.

She instinctively picked the farthest table upon entering the cafe. The waiter then gave her the menu, and a glass of water.

“Excuse me,” she heard someone say, and she wonder why the waiter had approached her. She looked up, but was welcome by an intense pair of brown eyes, and a smile with a snuggle-tooth.

Her shock showed in her face.

“I could sit here,right, Seo Joo-hyun-ssi? It’s seems you’re alone,” he said oh-so-casually.

“Oppa, what on Earth? It’s good to see you!” she finally said, minutes after recovering from her shock.

“I’ve missed you too.”

“Aish,” she muttered and before she could say anything more, Yonghwa had already called the waiter for their orders.

“We’d like to have the Traditional Afternoon Tea, with glass of elderflower with English sparkling wine,” he said in his almost-native English.

“Let me repeat your order, sir. The Traditional Afternoon Tea, for two. Would you like anything else?” the waiter responded.

He turned to her, asking the same. She could only shake her head in response.

“That would be all.”

The waiter gave a curtsy, and left.

“You’ve been here often?” she asked.

“Just a few times.”

“So, what brought you here?” she asked.

“Himitsu,himitsu,” he played coy.

“Really, Oppa. It doesn’t suit you,” she declared, but couldn’t help but smile. She missed him even if things don’t make sense anymore.

“You still can’t say it out loud? You’ve missed me,” he said, sticking out his tongue. Their afternoon tea arrived in time.

“And you’re still a choding,” she replied.

They enjoyed the selection of sandwiches and scones served with their tea. They laughed and talked a bit, and she couldn’t help but wonder when this dream would end.

“Have you seen the Festival Gardens? It’s just a few steps away,” he asked, dragging her.

“No, Oppa. I’m on a tight schedule. The last train to Paris would leave just minutes after 8 o’clock,” she related.

“You won’t be late on your trip,” he said, and she couldn’t do anything but trust him.

After a few minutes, they sat side by side, watching people come and go.

The night was cold, but his warm hands had been a comfort for her.

“You haven’t said to me why you’re suddenly here Oppa,” she said.

“Didn’t I? We’re having our European tour before Minhyuk and Jungshin enlists in the army.”

“Oh, I haven’t heard that. I should probably talk to Jungshinnie,” she related.

“You still talk to them?” he asked anxiously.

She could barely nod as a response. “But not as much as I want to.”

She looked at him, and she knew he’d probably ask the very same question that has been haunting her for months.

He clasped her hands with his. “Joohyun-ah, what happened?”

The tears she thought she had already cried came back with a vengeance. And this time it’s sadder, and more painful not to let them fall.

“Oppa, I’m sorry,” she said.

“Hush,Hy~un. Don’t cry.”

She let go from his hug, and looked him straight at the eye.

“Don’t force yourself. I’m not in a rush,” he said.

She shook her head. “No, Oppa. This explanation had long been overdue.”

“Are you sure?”

“I have always been a coward Yonghwa Oppa. I didn’t know how to face you. That’s why at the first opportunity, I ran away.”

He smiled, but it was painful. “You shouldn’t have.”

“This complicated relationship that we had; it had scared me from the start. I always think about things carefully. But with this, I got swept away even before I had the chance to think. And I was afraid. I couldn’t tell you that, I couldn’t tell my unnies.”

“You can’t imagine how scared I was too Hyunnie. I wanted the feelings to stop that last filming day, but I can’t let you go. I’m sorry,” he apologized. “I’m sorry for putting a burden on you.”

“I didn’t want to lose you too, Oppa. But I just didn’t know what to do. I know I had to face you after you’re discharged from the army,” she explained.

“I’ve said it already, even in my last letter to you. I’m not in a rush, Joohyun-ah.”

“You always say that. It was also what caused my fear. You were never in hurry, but what if you suddenly grew tired of waiting? So many questions, and I was afraid of the answers.”

“Aren’t we running in circles?” he said, chuckling. “We’re both afraid, but we both didn’t want to know the answers and face things head on.”

She smiled. “De. Pabo-ya.”

“Like I said, you won’t be late,” he said, as they arrive at Eurostar’s Station.

“I have complete trust in what you said, that’s why I stayed.”

“Komawo-yo, Joohyun-ah,” he replied as they stand at the platform.

“Thank you for seeing me off Oppa. You should be resting,” she answered.

“I just thought that you’d change your mind last minute. You know, those punks would definitely be surprised when they see you,” he said, mischief in his eyes.

That earned him a smack in the arm.


“But you definitely missed this choding,” he exclaimed.

She smiled. “Say my regards to them. I’ll call when I get there.”

He played with her hand, not wanting to let go even if they hear the reminder that the train would be leaving any minute.

“Oppa, I need to get going.”

“I know, I know. But I don’t want you to.”

She gave him a hug. “Oppa, we’ll see each other soon.”

“This is the last time Hyunnie.”

Perplexed, she asked. “Last time?”

“Yes, Seo Joohyun-ah. This would be the last time I’m letting go of you. The next time we meet, I won’t ever let go.”

“Oppa, you and your cheesy lines,” she said, trying to hide the excitement building up inside her. “This would definitely be the last time.”

“Go now, before I change my mind and kidnap you,” he replied.

“I’m going to miss you,” she confessed.

She stepped inside the train with a silly grin, but not wanting to lose sight of him.

He pulled her hand, returning her hug earlier.

“Nado, Seo Joohyun-ah.”

It didn’t really surprise her. Her instincts were still right.

“Go now, or your dongsaengs would worry. See you soon, Yo~ng,” she said, letting go from the hug, but not his hand.

It was him who let go.

She smiled. She didn’t expect how peculiar her souvenir was.

“When we see each other again, I’m bringing my parents over to your parents’ house. And I won’t let you run away again.”


Author's Note: In lieu of cafebreaks prompt "London". Hope you enjoyed reading my work.

And the song might be sad, but please hear it out.

*himitsu means secret in Japanese.

Thank you!

romance, yongseo

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