Oct 28, 2004 19:34
I probably won't post again till after Halloween but I dunno, so here's something to remember me by: Concerning tomorrow...
alienhands13: and then we will inspire terror and fear on my bus/ at my bus if mr venezia decides to endanger his life
xromanticmrdrx: haha yes we will!
xromanticmrdrx: mr v "you cant be on this bus"
xromanticmrdrx: ::waves passess::
xromanticmrdrx: mr v"tough boogies, get on your bus!"
xromanticmrdrx: ::holds up fake gun::
xromanticmrdrx: mr v "....oh...welll....uh..make yourself at home...::runs::"
<333 I sideways my parker, I sideways her a lot =)
Mafioso Friday kiddies! w00ts!