Sep 05, 2006 23:09
So yeah, today was the first day of school. I DROVE to school today and parked in the SENIOR parking lot. Oh hell yeah.
Our school looks like shit.
There is construction everywhere you look and it's loud as hell.
Went to homeroom, got our schedules, then it was off to class.
Gym (various teachers): Gaskill gave me the death stare when I walked in. Lovely. Just because I don't have time for your damn sport anymore doesn't give you the right to give me damn attitude. Geez. Anyway, this is a great class...SO MANY FRIENDS IN IT!!!! I have Mennen, Kelly, Tara, Andy, Larry, Tierney..but a lot of them have sex ed this quarter so I have a feeling I might end up being all alone =/ but eh whatever. Gym is gym.
World Lit A (Yaeger) : The bad things: The class is 90% juniors. Mrs. Yaeger has sweaty armpits. The good thing: VI AND MENNEN ARE IN MY CLASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELL FUCKING YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We basically discussed our summer reading and talked about what we will be studying during the year. It seems like a good class, but I can just tell, I am going to dislike Mrs. Yaeger. I can feel it. I just can.
Calculus (Russonello): Another class with FRIENDS!! I have Tori, Dylan, and Kelly. So yeah, I think Mr. Russ hates me already. So I forgot to mention this before, but because of all the construction, they changed all the room numbers of the classroosm. Unfortunately, I had to pee really badly towards the end of lit and thought I could do it between passing classes. But first I had to find my calc room. I ended up getting LOST trying to find this stupid room (I felt like a freshman), was late to calc, then I asked Mr. Russ if I could go to the bathroom and he's like ALREADY?!?! I explain to him what happened and then he gives me this strange look before he tells me I can go. I come back and we need to sign out books, so I tell him I need to borrow a pen, and he tells me I'm unprepared for class. WTF? Anyway, he talks so fast. It makes my head spin. We didn't even go through anything difficult today it was mostly a review of basic algebra stuff and I got confused because he only gave us like 10 seconds to do each problem. By the end of this class, I was SO relieved to go to C lunch, which by the way sucks ass because I've never ever had C lunch as a real lunch. So I was starving.
C Lunch: BEST lunch I've ever had in high school! Basically ALL (except Angelica, actually I don't even know because she wasn't in school today) my friends are in this lunch!!!! We all sit at this huge table. It's me, Mennen, Vi, Marissa, Tori, Kelly, Lauren, Lilia...AHH! So many people! Just..lunch was great. Except the line was so fucking long because there are freshman everywhere. They've taken over the world. Seriously. But ahh...amazing lunch
Creative Writing (Bauer): Friends again in this class too! Kelly, Tara, and Lauren. I love creative writing and I am going to major or minor in it in college. And I love Miss Bauer. And I love writing. So basically, I love this class. We did this fun activity where we pretty much analyzed ourselves in every aspect and she said that's where most of our topics for our creative writing will come from.
Today, I felt the guilt of quitting field hockey when they made the announcement of something field hockey related, I still looked up because it's instinctive now. I wish I was playing. But then again, if I really really think about it, it just would have been too stressful.
I had my first SAT math tutoring today and it went really well. Yeah. I am hoping that this SAT math and SAT verbal tutoring will raise my score a lot...because I sure as hell need it for the places I want to go.
Euro History AP with Melvin
TV Production 1 with Maladrino
Independent study of computer art/graphic design...not too sure whats going on with that
Food and Nutrition with Baruffi
I might have to drop Food and Nutrition. But I don't want to talk about why, because it stresses me out. I will discuss it later if necessary.
Damn, we're seniors.
Until next time...