
Feb 01, 2008 22:27

There is a Guitar Hero face off occurring in my living room...boys...

Anyway. I seemed to have developed a bit of a rash on my legs which sucks. No idea what's caused it...unless it was the stir fry I made but really don't see how...not conscious of being allergic to anything in the ingredients

So with LJ being the one place I can talk about work without everyone seeing (ie Facebook) here we go...

Meh. So so day at work...really don't like how my store is getting busier all the time. People have started moving into the new housing estate, the new main road from the motor way is about to open...gyah!! Keeping up with my 'one in front' is getting more difficult. Ya know how Tesco do this thing where we open another till if there's more than 1 person in front of you? Well it's part of my job to watch for and maintain that. If your queues are ok then you get a green hour, if you fuck up then you get a red hour. If you see queues building then you need to get help either from people from checkouts who are off tills doing other things or get another team leader to jump a last resort you turn to other depts for till trained staff. But its these depts that usually end up causing us to fail coz they hate helping us. I can understand why they get pissed just can't get on with your own work with checkouts calling constantly...I used to get narked when I was on stock control so I understand the frustrations. I do try and give back when I can but theres a constant war being waged 'Well you didn't help me so why should I help you??' You end up feeling so hated :(

I dont think some of the other team leaders (not the checkout ones) like me as it is. When I was on stock control and was trying to do my management training stuffs I was doing some Team Leader/managment stuffs to help my training etc but my current team leader, Erika, didn't want me near it coz it was her job and guarded everything so jealously. So she used to bitch about me to her little group of buddies who of course all stuck together. It really got to me that no-one would ever say things to *me*...but hey ho. Moved on now. I've now got all that from my cashiers instead...but I've really got to remember that these people are not my friends...they're just colleagues...tis very frustrating though.

Being moving on a bit with my manager training and have my four weekly review with the deputy manager and the personnel manager last week and got a green light on my progress. Woop!
Just got to be more assertive and build up that confidence...story of my life really...
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