My life in Sweden feels so busy this term. Whereas during last term, in the complete absence of a social life, I felt so much anxiety over having nothing to do all the time. In another way however I feel strangely productive, and seem to be producing visual art in my offhand hours more than I ever have in the past; atleast for a long time anyhow. Is 'atleast' even a word or is it 'at least'. In Sweden words are always joined together as compound words. For instance, the word 'narkotikamissbrukare' (google translate it suckers) and theoretically it is possible to make up a never ending word (not that it is actually possible, only theoretically possible of course).
I find myself making the effort to keep in touch with people from back home, my parents included, less and less. No offense is intended to anyone. I of course LOVE AND MISS YOU ALL but Folks! our geographical gap is emotionally widening. Am I getting stuck here in Sweden? Only time will tell.
I have a job working for andrahandsbokhandeln, in english: thesecondhandbookstore, working as a janitor for 2 hours per week at an unbelievably low wage for Sweden. It's something! Website here - My life continues to be filled with surprises at every turn.