Lions and Tigers.... Ligers

Sep 03, 2006 02:33

Well holy crap!

This is amazing!
I googled 'Lygers' and 'Ligers' because I was curious - a fellow member of SotD board goes by the id of Lyger and a comment was made some time ago about these cats.

Here's a link to a zoo site if you want more info ( ) but basically, ligers are a cross-breeding of lions and tigers - and these beauties grow to be bigger than both!
Apparently the only known ligers were bred in captivity....

Here are some pics in case you can't be bothered to follow the link...

Can you say "Holy fuck"?


( )
' (Hercules) is the accidental result of two enormous big cats living close together at
the Institute of Greatly Endangered and Rare Species, in Miami, Florida, and already
dwarfs both his parents. "Ligers are not something we planned on having," said
institute owner Dr Bhagavan Antle. "We have lions and tigers living together in large
enclosures and at first we had no idea how well one of the lion boys was getting
along with a tiger girl, then lo and behold we had a liger." '

' 50mph runner... Not only that, but he likes to swim, a feat
unheard of among water-fearing lions. In the wild it is
virtually impossible for lions and tigers to mate. Not only
are they enemies likely to kill one another, but most lions
are in Africa and most tigers in Asia. But incredible though
he is, Hercules is not unique. Ligers have been bred in
captivity, deliberately and accidentally, since shortly before
World War II. '

And beautiful.
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