hot soup on a rainy day

Aug 18, 2005 23:31

So I have two cleaning jobs currently, both of which I clean rooms/buildings by myself for 3-4 hours at a time. Sometimes this time includes country music, sometimes better music, sometimes the space between the music. Regardless, since I have a good 20 hours a week to think without interruption, many times I plan out these elaborate live journal entries that discuss politics, religion and everything in between. But then I come home, tired of cleaning and just tired, so I don't write anything because I'm too lazy to remember what I had been thinking about earlier in the day. Just so you all know that I do think about you during my days...even if my entries are less than poetic.

However, I have a little thinking time on my hands to myself this evening and I wanted to mention one thing I was thinking about earlier today. I was at work and one of the counselors started talking politics and so he and one of the other interns got into a debate about a possible draft, political involvement and the ever present governmental corruption. Anyway, I was sitting there with these strong feelings of how I think it should be and who I think is right and wrong but I felt like I couldn't say anything because I'm not informed enough to back up all of my arguments, or even most of them. When I try to debate with people, generally people who are more "conservative" than I, I fall silent because I can't always back up what I'm trying to say. So I fell silent today and just got upset with myself and became pretty quiet for the rest of the day. The thing is, I don't know where to start or where to look or even what to look for. I can't know everything, so I can't be completely informed about every issue and every topic brought to the table these days, that's just ridiculous. I figure that I need to pick out a couple topics that strike my interest the most and then just delve into them learning the history behind them all the way up to the present arguments. Maybe that's a place to start. I don't know. Any thoughts or suggestions? I'm feeling uneducated and uninformed today...

Yesterday at work I was thinking about religions and how silly most/all of them are when you really think about them. It's totally cool to still be involved in them (I mean hey, I still like mine alright :) but I just think people need to lighten up about them and realize that no one really knows the answer. What I decided was that there is one thing that most religions have in common, and that's really the most important part of all of them too. It's one person (usually a guy) who says hey! I'm God! or Hey! God talked to me! or Hey! I know what God wants you to do! And when I talked to him he wanted me to tell you all how to meet him too, I know how to do it! I know how you should live your life so you will be the happiest after you die!

You know? When you get right down to it, that's what most of them are really saying. Most religions are fighting over their opinion of what's going to happen to you after you die and apparently, they want you to go with them. If they think you're going to hell, apparently they really will miss you so think that you should come along to heaven instead. If people like you so much that they want you to come with them to heaven, why don't people act like they like each other that much when they're alive? I one knows what will happen when you die. There's no way. All of us could be wrong. All of us could be right. No one knows, yet we continue (we as in the world) to fight major wars and die major deaths to prove that we DO know the answer. Wouldn't it be easier if we all took a little agnosticism with our religion? Kind of more like "you know what, this makes a lot of sense to me and I think that I might use some of this to become a better person while I'm living here, but honestly, I am not 100% sure, so if you don't think the same thing is going to happen to you, or you don't think my way of living is the best, hey that's cool. Do your thing. And I'll do mine. Because really, you're not 100% sure either." So that is one of the things I was thinking the other day at work too.

Alright, that might be enough for the night. Adios.
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