Aug 17, 2006 03:44
i've fucked up again...
this time it looks like i've really dug myself into a bigger hole than i can ever get out of... even with the help of others...
no one did this but myself and i think thats whats killing me the most... i would like to think that i'm a smart talented intellectual that has alot of potential to become this great asset to society and the world in general... but in the end who am i kidding. i'm only as good as the person sitting next to me...
:hello person sitting next to me! my name is debbie... not really its deborah but i like debbie better... whats ur name? u noe what! it doesn't even matter i'll probably let u down, or even better i'll probably make u believe i'm a great person when in reality i'm gonna fuck up and let u down and make u see what a waste of life i am... good bye now! nice meeting u!:
how about that? i love my friends and i miss them... i love my family and i miss them too... but how funny is it that they are still within reach. where did they go. most importantly where did i go. am i still in this hole that i dug for myself? am i still digging further and getting nowhere at the same time. i think the best thing to do in cases like this is disappear. wish i could. a little emo but its the truth. i've lost interest in everything and i hate the world even more than before. i see no use in anything and whenever i think things are looking good... god spits in my face and laughs once again... thanks alot... i wish this time i could say :bring it on bitch!: but i really can't afford to... and with my luck i think god'll strike down on me with all his fury... just to spite me... well in that case fuck u...
my license is suspended
haven't even tried to register for school
i have three tickets pending
fucked up car still needs work from my accident
i'm poor... nothing new
job sucks at this point
didn't get to see my grandfather
looks like i'm not going to jonathan's wedding either
and everyone seems to be running away in packs from miami
well u noe what?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??!?!?!
u all wanna fucking move away! fine with me!!! but when u come back and don't find me here u better believe that i'm off lost in europe where i'll be unreachable and untraceable and u'll never see me again... j/k if only i was so lucky.... most likely i'll still be here like the loser i am waiting for all of u with open arms reminiscing about the parties, road trips, hang outs, movies, drugs, alcohol, sex, parents, siblings, school, work, guys, girls, and everything else in between...
good bye
!i evlo oyu!