Dec 06, 2007 14:46
This morning, having played with ponies and drunk tea for a while, I bimbled off to one of the agencies I've registered with, to sort out some temporary work for next week. Not bad work, nothing exciting but would keep me busy until Christmas.
Since then I've had three calls from other agencies, the last of which was from the one who arranged the interview for the role I really wanted (which has now been put on hold until the New Year until the guy who can sign off my appointment is back from sick leave). They'd had a call from the same company, asking if I was free for the next couple of weeks as they had a vacancy in the next office to the one I interviewed for.
Apparently my name had been getting mentioned, and when this vacancy came up, they specifically asked for me! So I'm going to be going there, instead of the one I sorted out this morning, cos it pays 50% more and is a good way of getting in with the company.
Well done if you're still with me!
I'm feeling rather happy right now, I just wish I didn't have to let down the people I saw this morning.