Oct 02, 2009 21:54
Hello, LJ! Long-time lurker, first-time poster. Let me introduce myself.
Basics: I’m fairly young (between 14 and 24), tall, single, and a little crazy; I love writing, and don't really like putting personal information on the Internet.
Actually, I find it very easy to write about myself online, but very difficult to talk about myself in real life.
And if most of my friends in real life knew about half the fandoms I'm joining livejournal to join, read from, write for, potentially squee over, and otherwise hang out/cavort with, they'd - well, they'd probably not shun me, as most of them are not particularly "mainstream" in their interests themselves. But they'd certainly look at me funny, probably say a few outrageous things, and then think of me differently from then on. (Have I mentioned I'm rather self-conscious in real life? Hopefully it will not be too much of an issue here.) Ah well, I'm sure I'll post about fandom a ton in the near future, so it'll come all in good time.
Oh, and I'm currently getting over a bad flu. Blame any grammatical errors on the fever, not the writer.
So, as I mentioned, I read and write a lot, and much of it in the form of fanfiction. I've been reading fanfiction for more than 4 years. I read fics like they're going out of style. I write them because my creative drive combines with inspiration from a TV show, or a book series, or real life, and/or a desire to emulate some absolutely brilliant fanfiction I've seen on the Internet. And then I end up writing many-page multi-chaptered stories about fictional characters having adventures their creators/owners never intended (seems fairly common around some parts of the Internet).
Sometimes I start writing stories and then set them aside because I feel like I can’t do them justice. That happens fairly often, actually. That's part of the reason why I'm getting this livejournal - to try and help with that. If something I've started develops a following online (even if it's mostly imaginary), I'll feel more obligated to keep writing for it.
And with that, I thank you for excusing me that moment of self-centered talk, and goodbye. Thanks for listening.
Oh, and to all those who care, happy Sukkot.