love, light and long holidays!

Dec 25, 2008 22:46

Hey there LJ-readers! I hope that you're all having good holidays so far. Mine have been quite lovely thus far, though quite busy to say the least.

Xmas day here with my folks was lovely, and went better than expected. My family behaved themselves, even those who are known to play up, say horrible things, and generally be nasty... No, my friends, none of that was had. There was nice catching up, drinking, merriment and of course, gift giving.

I think, for the first time in a long time, this xmas was a very grown-up, mature sort of christmas. It was truly great to see, and makes me proud to be a member of my family, knowing that it is surrounded, and fueled by, love.

It's helped me reach a new spiritual level of understanding too, knowing that there is a balance to be sought of social cohesion and self-discovery. Talking to Bek tonight too helped unlock a piece that was previously covered in question marks, but now seems infinitely more clear to me. I'm changing in a beautiful direction; my spiritual life, social life, career etc all seem to be converging into the same direction, pointing me into a position of serving others, bringing light, hope and love to those who need it (we all do!), knowing deep inside myself that this is my purpose in life. I'm losing a bit of my individuality I tried to defend so hard and fast, but in saying that I'm gaining a greater sense of connection to many things, to the universe at large.

I will never give up on the image of a bright, prosperous future that all of humanity can share in equally and to any capacity they so desire to do so. I know that my part to play in this is becoming more evident the more I seek it, and know there are so many to support me. It makes me excited and happy =).

Take care of yourselves in these times of rest, recuperation and relaxation, and hope to you all that your path in life treats you well in the coming year

light, future, xmas, '08, love, direction

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