I've updated twice today! Woohoo! Okay anyways, since so many people are graduating I decided to make this special thing. It took me hours so this is what I did instead of updating...opps...I promise to work on that later though! Anyways, onto the special...BTW, Elise, I tried that code thing but I didn't work. I told you that sometimes I'm retarded! Hehehe.
First, shout out to Syd and Jackie for being part of Class 2006!
The time has come when everything you’ve worked hard for the past eighteen years will be rewarded…
It’s been a hard and tiring job, but you finally did it.
You’ll be waiting with the rest of your class for that special moment of walking up the stage…
To accept your diploma and flip your tassel…
Your parents have been waiting for it as long as you have.
Your friends will be watching and supporting you as they have for the past years.
Then, when every single one of your peers has received their diploma the principal will say those special words that you’ve been dying to hear…
“I’ll like to present to you Class of 2006!”
And with accomplished smiles, caps will be thrown and hugs will be exchanged…
It’s one of the best experiences that you’ll ever have.
You’ll share laughs and remember the moment forever.
So take many pictures because it only comes once in your life.
And you might be divided as to where to go from there…
But don’t be in a hurry to decide what to do with the rest of your life…
The people you love and the experiences you’ll have will guide you.
And even though some of those special friendships might be fade…
You’ll always have that special picture to remember when you are feeling down.
So spread your wings and fly…
Fly high and higher, never being afraid of being different.
Like Ralph Waldon Emerson said, “Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”
So go on and celebrate with the ones you love…
Be safe and ready to experience things that you could never imagine because this is the end and the beginning of a new life.
And remember the wise words of Winston Churchill, “Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.”
Congratulations Class of 2006, you did it!
I made that all up my friends so that's all Ivonne. LOL. Thanks to Getty for the pictures :) Though, the pictures weren't that good of quality so I had to clean them up a bit, sorry if they still sucked. Anyways, I seriously hope that you all liked it! And don't be afraid to share this with the rest of your friends! Just send them the link to my journal, hehehe!
Now, I am a sophomore in College. Well I just graduated last year and am currently on summer break. Here are some things that I learned freshmen year in college:
1. Bookstores try to rip you off. I recommend for you to buy your books in smaller, low-key bookstores and sell them back to the bigger ones (i.e.-the college store and the bookstore on your campus). Though, go to your class before you buy the book. Half of the ones I bought I didn’t use so it’ll be a waste of your money since you don’t use it and you only get less than half of it back when you resale them.
2.) Don’t overload yourself the first semester. Really, you don’t want to spend all of your time studying or doing homework. Hang out with the people on your floor. Go to parties, the movies, whatever. Just be social, it seriously makes the experience so much better. It is said that the people you friend in college are the ones that are seriously going to stick with you afterwards so go ahead and mingle!
3.) Use ratemyprofessors.com to see how your professors were rated. Trust me. They helped me out a lot when I registered for my classes.
4.) Get to know people in your classes because sooner or later you’ll miss class and will need the notes. So befriend someone, exchange phone numbers, and call each other when you weren’t able to make it to class or need to study. I learned that studying with even one other person for an exam will help you out immensely.
5.) Watch out when you are drinking in your dorms. If you’re too loud you’ll get written up. Grr…So find somewhere else to drink other than the dorms because you will get loud when playing games and you don’t want to get caught.
6.) Go to the football games and whatever other events your school hosts! Trust me! So much fun! Especially the pre-gaming!
7.) College is nothing like high school. It’s so much harder so study a day, two, or heck three, before the exam. Studying until the last day does not help at all! Though, procrastination is something that you will get worse at when in college.
8.) Morning classes suck, if you are morning person then good for you. I’ve learned that I can’t really function at nine in the morning since I usually stayed up till two or three in the morning. Trust me. I had classes at 7.40 in the morning in HS and then when I got to college, I was dying waking up at 9 so make sure to get a schedule that works with you.
9.) Use your counselors! I really wish that I talked to mine before I signed up for my classes because they really do help you out! They help you out to make a schedule that works with you and is the easiest!
10.) Have fun! Don’t get too crazy but just do your own thing. Don’t be afraid to try new things! Be unexpected and go to IHOP at two in the morning or something like that! Because really those are the times that you’ll think back and say, “Damn, I can’t believe that we did that!” Takes lots of pics to remember those good old times!
I’m a picture whore, what can I say?! LOL! Oh and if anyone has anything else to add then just give me a shout! I'll add it in ASAP!
Now here are some classic graduation songs:
Good Riddance by Green Day Graduation by Vitamin C This is your Life by Switchfoot * * *