Apr 11, 2009 18:14
Pieces of an afternoon: I walked by the lake, saw a blue headed duck sleeping beside his mate. his mate had settled down to rest & died in her sleep. I touched her soft head, the vunerable silky place beneath the beak. I felt destroyed. is this mating for life? I left the lake & went down to walk the river path. I touched the water, I touched the white sand. I touched the clover growing incongruously thru the drifts of sand. nothing erased that feeling, the sensation of lifelessness. the water altho moving is not alive. the sand is not alive. the clover, tho living is not alive. I moved on. I caught a snake. in fear, it shat in my hand; in sympathy, I set it free. washed my hands in the river. found 3 walking sticks, but only kept the third. I listened to the voice of the water until I realised I didn't want to hear everything it had to say. I moved on. I reached a place that smelled like pizza instead of cold water & moist earth, so I turned back. I climbed the hill above the lake, sat in the swing & flew...