"Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maitenance" eats my brain away. Not an easy-read book, It makes me think about each sentence and to return to previous one until they make a whole picture, logically structured and complex. But I like it. It makes me dream of an old motorcycle vibrating under me, of snake-like road, twisting and winding under wheels, of free wind and of greeness of meadows. It makes me want to throw everything away and go deep inside the country, by old empy country roads, go to the places where people don't rush anywhere, where a smile means a smile and where eyes aren't glazed with coldness of concrete. It makes me turn things around and start wondering how they are made. It's just the magic of this book. The magic of road, wind and thoughts.
I've been tin the country last Sunday. Just some photos. Just getting used to GIMP as I have problems with Photoshop/ I love this place. It'so alive, even the silence ish't empty there.
My dog wonders what the hell I am doing...
Ice on the lake was fragile and crushed in my hands with beautiful sound. It was like a melody of winter and spring...
It was as transparent as the water itself and it shined in the sun as the diamants... My hands were chilled to the bone but I couldn't stop. ...