Title: The Three Bears, Part IV
Fandom: Warehouse 13
Rating: T
Words: 529
Summary: Things are happening at the Warehouse, and Claudia isn't too happy with the situation.
Notes: Written for
self_preserving, prompt was Claudia and Vanessa, serious conversation. AGAIN, WHY IS THIS STORY NOW A THING?
Pete and Myka return as Artie takes the baby, rigged in a strange sort of papoose from one of Claudia's mountain climbing cables, and heads out into the Warehouse on a secure cell phone to Mrs. Frederick. Pete's come prepared, bright neon earplugs in his ears as they enter the Warehouse to find Claudia and Vanessa standing in the office.
"Pete, we need to find out what's going on with Artie," Myka says.
"What," Pete shouts, not being able to hear Myka as Myka punches his bicep. "Ow, what the hell, Myks?"
"Earplugs," Myka points to her own ears for emphasis, and Pete pulls one out.
"I didn't want to hear the banshee terror, alright?"
"Well, it turns out you don't have to." Claudia holds out files for both partners to take. "Because Artimus has decided that while he and Vanessa play Mommy and Daddy, the two of you are on assignment. Inside are your plane tickets, hotel reservations, yadda yadda yadda, please don't make me sound anymore like Artie than I do right now."
As Myka and Pete examine their envelopes, Myka more so than Pete, Claudia notices Vanessa smirk. "What, you think this is funny?"
"I do," Vanessa replies, with a tired smile. "All of this, and he's sending them away without any answers."
"You could try explaining. That usually takes the complex out of complicated." Claudia leans back against the desk as Pete and Myka's attention shift to the physician. Vanessa holds up her hands in retreat.
"I'm not at liberty to say."
"Well, there we are. Pete, Myka, you know what to do, right? Then grab your gun and bring in the cat." Both agents nod, and leave before anything else is said. Claudia turns back to the desk, knowing that after hacking into the FBI mainframe and before he left to talk to Mrs. Frederick, Artie left her with a list of explicit instructions. Some of which are even on paper.
"What are you thinking?" Vanessa wants to know, slowly approaching the young woman.
"To be honest with you? Not a whole helluva lot."
"You're awful defensive. Always have been, it's just a little more noticeable right now," Vanessa says before sighing. "It's not like I planned all of this to happen, Claudia."
"You never do. You just waltz into his life, and then waltz back out again." Looking from Artie's instructions to the computer, Claudia types her way into another databank. "And he's too stupid in love with you to see different."
"It's not like that feeling isn't mutual. For God sakes, we've been seeing each other for months."
"One a month, for months." Claudia stands, facing her. "That isn't dating, that isn't even a booty call. It's some obscure thing you two have cooked up because you're both so scared of being hurt by one other than you can't take another step forward or backwards, and you're driving us all crazy while you figure it out."
"Are you done?" Claudia can tell she's hit a rather sensitive nerve in Vanessa, as the physician's watery eyes nearly crack her armor. Claudia sees Artie heading back up the stairs, and cocks her head.
Part Five