(no subject)

Jan 03, 2013 03:01

So it's 2013 already. 2012 passed by pretty fast, probably because school is busy, and is taking up all my time. But overall, I think 2012 wasn't a bad year, for the most part. It's still pretty crazy how fast time flies though, like people I know from undergrad are getting engaged and stuff.

Anyway, break was good, pretty much over after this week. And back to the daily grind of school. There's not much to talk about for school...just seeing patients, and doing the labwork for their work. Labwork is sucha PITA....not looking forward to doing labwork for my denture pt when I get back on the first day. And I hate dealing with patients that think they know everything. So fucking annoying. Just thinking about it is really making me dread going back to school. But like they said, it's best to learn how to deal with these patients while in school...and also if you're gonna mess up, it would be best to mess up in school b/c the school will take care of it.

I finished Assassin's Creed and Deus Ex Human Revolution.
Assassin's Creed was boring as heck. Same thing over and over again, save citizens, get on top of the view points, gather info, and go kill your target. But I heard ACII is much better. But we'll see.
Deus Ex HR was good. I hate FPS because it gives me motion sickness, but since I heard the story was awesome, I decided to give it a try. It was good, but wasn't a 10/10. I'd give it an 8/10. Not really fond of FPS gameplay because it's difficult to control imo. Story was pretty good though, although I kind of expected a bigger conspiracy story.
Speaking of FPS's...there's this really cool cosplay done by this Russian girl for one of the characters for Bioshock Infinite. It's pretty crazy how much press this got...even the major news networks had reports on it online.

Here's a full one

That is pretty damn good..
She also did Posion Ivy's cosplay

And Alice from that one Alice in Wonderland Madness Returns game..

And fem-shep from Mass Effect 3

And then some girl from Deadspace

Maybe it's just me, but she sorta looks asian from that angle.

Pretty amazing cosplay wouldn't you say?

Anyway, bummed school is gonna start so soon.
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